General Information

Thank you for enrolling your child or children in our program. We look forward to learning and growing together. This policy has been developed to clarify all procedures and requirements as it relates to fees within our program.

Child Care Fees:

$10.00 per day Kindergarten full day / In-service day / Holiday
$8.60 per day Before AND After School Care
$6.30 per day Before OR After School Care

Fees can be paid by Electronic Funds Transfer (also known as ‘direct debit’). There is a fee of $1.50 for the EFT transaction that will be added to you invoice. Alternatively, fees can be paid by cheque or money order. A NSF fee of $50 will be charged for returned cheques or declined EFT payments.


Families who are unable to meet the cost of childcare may apply for financial assistance through the Manitoba Government Daycare Subsidy Program. Subsidy applications are available from the Child Day Care Office, at our Child Care, or on their website, www.gov.mb.ca/childcare.

Application forms need to be submitted to the following address on or before the start date at:

Provincial Services Child Care Subsidy program
102 – 114 Garry Street
Winnipeg, Manitoba R3C 1G1

In addition, it is the family’s responsibility to notify their subsidy clerk of any changes to their subsidy information (i.e. Address, marital status, income, reason for service, termination of employment/education status). Families will be charged the full rate of care until we receive notification of approval.

For re-applications of subsidy, it is the parent’s responsibility to re-apply prior to their subsidy expiring.Parents will be invoiced the full amount of childcare fees, if confirmation of the re-approval has not been received in our office before the subsidy expires. If a subsidized family exceeds their allowable absent days, they will be invoiced the full amount of childcare fees.


Receipts are issued for income tax purposes. There are no refunds available for fees already paid, however any overpayment of fees will be credited on your account for the next billing period. During the last week in February you will be able to pick up a tax receipt from any staff member. If these receipts are not picked up by March 1st they will be placed in your mailbox.


Two weeks written notice must be given when you withdraw your child or children from our Centre. If less notice is given, you will be required to pay for two weeks. This is to ensure we have sufficient time to fill the space vacated by your child. If your account is up to date you may decide at this time to apply your deposit that was provided at the time of enrollment.

Statutory Holidays

Below is a complete list of the Statutory Holidays observed by the Centre.

New Year’s Day (January)
Louis Riel Day (February)
Good Friday (March/April)
Easter Monday (March/April)
Victoria Day (May)
Canada Day (July)
Terry Fox Day (August)
Labor Day (September)
Thanksgiving Day (October)
Remembrance Day (November)
Christmas Day (December)
Boxing Day (December)

If a Holiday falls on a weekend, the centre has the option to close another day in lieu of that day.